Table Creation

# Item Description status
Naziv Any itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny item Add long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cell Active
Naziv Any itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny item Add long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cell Disable
Naziv Any itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny itemAny item Add long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cellAdd long content to see variable width cell Active


Tip kućišta

PTZ tip


Tip objektiva

Domet IC iluminatora


BLC mod



Stepen zaštite

Otpornost na udarce

Edge skladište

Audio interfejs



Interni HDD





Prvi model za uporedjivanje






















Drugi model za uporedjivanje






















Treci model za uporedjivanje




















